Lean In helps women achieve their ambitions and helps companies build inclusive workplaces where women of all identities are supported and empowered. We give women the support and skills to navigate bias and lean into their strengths, and we give companies the tools to ensure women have equal opportunities to advance and feel valued in their ...
We help women achieve their ambitions and work to create an equal world. "We want a world where people of every gender can pursue their dreams without bias or other barriers holding them back. Where girls grow up to be confident, resilient leaders. Where more women run …
Lean In Circles are small groups of peers who meet regularly to learn and grow together. We know there is real power in this kind of support: research shows we are able to learn and accomplish more in groups. Today there are more than 35,000 Circles in over 160 countries.
Lean in Computer Science and Engineering Chapter supports women studying computer science and engineering. Founded in collaboration with The Anita Borg Institute, Facebook, and Linkedin, to date, there are over 250 Circles and 6,000 members.
At the heart of Lean In Girls is a leadership curriculum for girls and young teens who identify with the girlhood experience (ages 11 to 15). With a balance of strength-building activities and real talk on important topics like bias and allyship, participants learn to embrace their leadership superpowers and reject limiting stereotypes about ...
Lean In Circles combine a leadership curriculum designed specifically for women with the power of peers coming together to learn new skills and support each other. Part leadership workshop, part support network–that’s a Lean In Circle.
Lean In runs programs that help women advance and companies create more equal workplaces. We work with more than 1,400 organizations, and it’s making a difference: Lean In partners report that more women on their teams are taking the lead …
LeanIn.Org offers inspiration and support through an online community, free education materials, and Lean In Circles, small groups of peers who meet regularly to learn and grow together. The...
Lean In Energy is a leading influential, advocacy, and educational community in the energy industry worldwide. We are driving the LeanIn.org mission within the energy sector vertically and globally. Our mission is to challenge, change and collaborate to elevate women and advance gender equity in the energy sector and beyond.