We provide low-income elderly and disabled San Franciscan’s free light home repair and modification services. We help homeless and low-income people to get housing, jobs, shelter, …
2022年12月1日 · The Mayor’s Office on Disability ensures disability compliance in City-funded housing programs or construction. In this section, you will find more information about your …
pertaining to aging and disability is characterized using the following terms: Senior Occupancy: These are units housing senior residents (age 62+). Residents may or may not report …
ILRCSF advocates for individuals who experience disability-related barriers or discrimination. Our core services focus on assistive technology, housing, and economic empowerment.
We operate nine group homes for people with developmental disabilities and provide support to numerous individuals who live and work independently in the community.
The Kelsey Civic Center will be a vibrant urban community offering 112 homes for people with and without disabilities of all incomes and backgrounds. Located across from San Francisco City …