Read Wine Spectator’s 17-step guide to how winemakers produce the world’s best-known bubbly, from the vineyard to the bottle ...
Like most New Zealand vintners, Erica Crawford of Loveblock uses screwcaps for her wines. In this video, she demonstrates expert screwcap opening technique.
How can you taste red wine like a pro? Why should you swirl? What flavors should you look for? Get the answers to these questions --and oh, so many more-- in this video.
Don't let a piece of tree bark get between you and your wine. Watch this video to learn how to pull a cork--elegantly. Recommended for waiters, winelovers, would-be winelovers and people who want to ...
As in years past, wine and digestive health was a popular topic in 2024. We considered the effects of low-sulfur wines and ...