Log in to the Skills Victoria Training System (SVTS) to upload monthly training activity data, access guidance materials, receive department communications and submit ...
DEECA, including FFMVic and other portfolio areas, works with a range of partners including other agencies, local businesses, Traditional Owners, and communities to help Victoria prepare for, respond ...
All vocational education and training (VET) providers who receive funding from the Victorian government must provide statistical data to the department. All VET providers who receive funding from the ...
Important administrative dates and assessment schedules for schools with students enrolled in the VCE including the VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate.
Victoria's public universities are formed under their own Acts. develop policy related to higher education in Victoria manage stakeholder relations with universities support the legislative ...
Project declarations signed by the Victorian Premier under the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act (MTPFA) 2009. If the Premier has assessed a transport project to be a project that is of ...
Applying online through Service Victoria is the fastest way to get your NDIS Check. Apply now at Service Victoria After your application has been verified it can take up to 3 weeks for us to assess ...
Victoria’s Waste to Energy Scheme licenses and regulates operators to ensure only specific amounts and types of waste are used in thermal waste to energy processing. A plan that provides Victorian ...
Monthly total patronage for metropolitan and regional train, metropolitan and regional bus, tram, and regional coach services in Victoria allows users to analyse trends in patronage by mode. Patronage ...
Across Victoria, more people are renting than ever before, and for longer. The reality for most people trying to land a rental is that they find they’re just one of dozens of applicants at an ...
Una Victoria libre de racismo y discriminación, en donde todas las personas disfruten de los mismos derechos, libertades y protecciones, y puedan prosperar en comunidades seguras, saludables y ...