距离新政府的上任还有不到一个星期的时间,美国参议院军事委员会星期二 (1月14日)对获得当选总统唐纳德·特朗普 (Donald Trump)提名的国防部长人选皮特·海格塞斯 (Pete ...
These findings are from ABI Research's Handling the Baby Boomer Exodus in Manufacturing application analysis report. This report is part of the company's Industrial & Manufacturing Markets research ...
LHASA, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- Cedain Lhamo, a trauma counselor at a relocation site in Dingri County, grew concerned when she saw a young girl covering her ears and fleeing in distress during an ...
(法新社华盛顿10日电) 根据一份分析报告,2024年美国温室气体的排放量几乎没有减少,这使得全球最大经济体美国将难以达成其气候目标;同时,即将上任的川普政府似乎还计划加强对化石燃料的依赖。
Most people will never be truly successful. The pull towards mediocrity is too strong. As David Schwartz once penned, "All around you is an environment that is trying to pull you down to Second-Class ...
Allies and aides to Donald Trump should be increasingly concerned by Elon Musk's proximity to and influence on the US ...
Tareq Taylor travels through Scandinavian countries to introduce their food culture; on his journey he finds numerous traditional dishes and is not only concerned with the preparation, but also with t ...
Please explain “keep on top of his finances” in this sentence: He said he was going through a hard time having split up from ...