每经AI快讯,1月15日,长鸿高科公告称,鉴于PBAT装置在生产过程中副产大量的THF(四氢呋喃),为进一步提高协同效应,提升盈利水平,全资子公司长鸿生物拟对THF产品进行深加工,投资建设5万吨/年高端纤维弹性体新材料及配套10万吨/年PBAT黑色母 ...
Central Airport THF is a moving portrait of displaced people in transition, and its focus on the positive implies that Germany might be one of the few European countries generous enough to welcome ...
Instead of acetone, the guys at protoparadigm are using tetrahydrofuran, or THF, as a solvent for PLA. Other PLA solvents aren’t friendly to living organisms or are somewhat hard to obtain.