As the tumor grows and starts to affect other organs, urination problems, leg swelling, and back pain can occur. In the most advanced stages, bone pain, breathing problems, fatigue, and unintended ...
For that reason, it's a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider if you have other symptoms. Treatments usually include estrogen-based creams, moisturizers, and water-based lubricants. Your ...
Compared with placebo, vitamin K2 supplements led to fewer episodes of nocturnal leg cramps and no treatment-related adverse effects in older adults. Among older adults, supplementation with ...
The choice of pharmacological agents suitable for treatment of diabetes and obesity ... nausea in combination with MF, leg swelling in combination with TZD, hypoglycemia in combination with ...
Stings from bees, wasps and hornets can be painful. To treat a sting and help relieve the pain, dermatologists offer these tips. It can happen fast. One minute the kids are all playing peacefully ...