Flesh-eating squirrels which hunt down and devour voles have been spotted for the first time in the wild ... “From then, we saw that behaviour almost every day. Once we started looking, we ...
“At first ... squirrels and voles between June and July. In 42 percent of the interactions, the squirrels were hunting the smaller rodents. “From then, we saw that behavior almost every day ...
A California ground squirrel in Contra Costa County runs with a vole it hunted in its mouth. A study from UC Davis and University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is the first to document widespread ...
Having been observed for about 3,000 years, the festival originated to give thanks for the fall harvest. In many places, nature also undergoes changes during this time: as the temperature cools ...
For the first time since 2005, Christmas and the first day of Hanukkah fall on the same day -- referred to as "Chrismukkah." The two days have only overlapped like this five times since the year 1900.
Apprehending the sandwich of an unsuspecting picnic-goer, taking off with a student’s lab notebook and cracking open a White Claw for happy hour — for a squirrel at the University, this is just ...