Smallville is the longest-running live-action superhero series, providing a decade of interesting takes on the Superman mythos. The show stars Tom Welling as Clark Kent and Michael Rosenbaum as ...
When Smallville first introduced its own take on the character, he seemed relatively in line with other versions, but it’s where the show took his story that set him apart so substantially.
The edited Superman trailer by Bauan Edits is reminiscent of "Smallville" is a hit among fans, evoking nostalgia. The inclusion of Remy Zero's "Save Me" in the edited trailer adds emotion and ...
One of the Superman projects that’s frequently come up in conversation as a result has been Smallville, and YouTube user Bauan Edits has crafted a delightful new trailer edit that gives the new ...
The Daily Pilot’s e-newspaper includes Sunday’s coverage of Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, Fountain Valley and other parts of Orange County.