In a heartwarming turn of events, two Amur tigers, Boris and Svetlaya, have been reunited in the wilds of Russia, defying the odds after being separated for nearly 200 kilometres. This remarkable ...
In the northern ranges of its adaptive zones 3 to 8, its rhizomes can be planted in spring or summer, while fall planting is best in southern regions. Deadhead and the plant to improve flowering.
Q. Our St. Augustine lawn looks terrible right now. We have lots of shade. Would we be better off replacing the St. Augustine grass with zoysia? There are several attractive zoysia lawns in the ...
An asteroid just came careening into our atmosphere, burning up in a dramatic fireball over Russia. The asteroid, formally named 2024 XA1, measured about 28 inches across, and had only been ...
Residents of the town of Olekminsk posted videos on social media showing a comet-like object lighting up the night sky as it passed over Russia’s Siberian republic of Yakutia. The user ...