What does it mean to be a “critical thinker”? Because this designation can carry negative connotations, perhaps the better ...
And every time I see this appeal to AI, my first thought is the same: Are you fucking stupid or something? For some time now, ...
Scientific racism today must be seen and rejected for what it truly is—a hollow attempt to dress discrimination in the garb ...
Indeed, the practice of disinformation and propaganda has ancient roots, with some of the earliest recorded use of these ...
The existence of a ‘deep state’ can neither be proved nor disproved. That’s perhaps the reason for its widespread acceptance ...
A sunk cost fallacy then occurs if you lean into the sunk cost by putting more resources toward it, even though that doesn't ...
The recently released Royal Commission of Inquiry report about New Zealand's COVID response highlights the harmful impact of misinformation and ...
The country is awash in hundreds, if not thousands, of election analyses, but many of the tools being employed are laden with ...
For example, increasingly I see “analysts ... It’s called the ecological fallacy. As you can tell from that second word, the method is fraught with analytic danger. Simply put, you cannot ...
Re: “Keep pot illegal,” by Jimmie George, Thursday Letters. This letter contains a fallacy familiar to any student of logic. George writes, “Every hard-core drug user I ever dealt with ...
This homepage example combines setting the perfect tone through distilled messaging, imagery, and color scheme. Everything is simplified so the user can relax, discover, and enjoy the website.