In the Pokémon Go Legendary Flight event, the Kanto birds have returned for their Dynamax debut, but they won’t stick around for long.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet introduces powerful new Pokemon with unique abilities and stats, such as Pawmot, Quaquaval, and ...
Ever wonder about how much your old Pokémon cards are worth? If you've got the cards on this list, you're sitting on a ...
Niantic is mixing things up ahead of the new 5-star Max Battle difficulty to help trainers get ready for the challenge.
Learn how to defeat and catch Shadow Ho-Oh in Pokemon GO's first-ever Shadow Raid featuring Remote Raid access.
The Legendary Birds of Kanto get the Dynamax treatment in a newly announced series of Max Battle events happening in Pokémon ...
The Legendary Shadow Ho-Oh is returning to Pokemon Go Raid battles for a special day, so check its best counters to target every weakness.
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Neighbours' Vera Punt is set to have another confrontation with her tenants over their plan to get her to move to Eirini Rising.
The Square Enix Cafe in Akihabara, Japan announced its upcoming closure in a statement this morning. “There are no words to ...