Renowned producer Boney Kapoor recently revealed the efforts he made to secure the legendary Lata Mangeshkar's appearance in the 2000 film - Pukaar - for the iconic song - Ek Tu Hi Bharosa.
Late singer Lata Mangeshkar, known as the nightingale of India, recorded over 50,000 songs in 14 languages during her singing career. However, the legendary singer never wanted to make an appearance ...
In a candid interview, producer Boney Kapoor shared the lengths he went to have Lata Mangeshkar appear for the film Pukaar. Despite her health issues, Mangeshkar's involvement in the song Ek Tu Hi ...
Legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar initially hesitated to sing 'Ek Tu Hi Bharosa' for the 2000 film Pukar. Convincing her took months of persistence by filmmaker Boney Kapoor, who showed her the ...
The episode further highlighted the wide-reaching influence of CID, with Shreya Ghoshal revealing an interesting tidbit about the legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar's fondness for the show.
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
Dec 24, 2024Holiday Heart Syndrome, triggered by binge drinking, poses a serious health risk during festive seasons. Experts warn even healthy individuals can face arrhythmias, urging moderation ...
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD is the latest in a series of comebacks for DK, bringing the original Wii-era adventure back for the Nintendo Switch as the platform sails into the sunset.