Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Monday took a jibe at BJP leader Parvesh Verma saying, that the people of Delhi will teach a lesson to him in the upcoming Delhi assembly election. AAP also accused Parvesh ...
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — With perfect pirouettes and plies, dozens of young ballet dancers gracefully moved between the makeshift iron houses of one of Africa’s largest urban slums, spreading ...
Hence, forgiveness is also an important element of Christmas. Children play in Baseco, one of the biggest slums in Manila on Aug. 15, 2022. (Photo: AFP) They differ in their practices when asked ...
Russia's largest mobile operator, MTS, also blamed an almost 90% drop in Q3 net profits on costs related to interest payments. "The elites are fighting for survival, and while they remain loyal to ...