Make sure that every aspect of your life receives care and attention, not just the parts that are visible to others. It’s easy to pour energy into the areas that receive applause or validation ...
What sets you apart from everyone else? It’s about what you can give to the world and what you allow yourself to receive. We often pour our energy into others, forgetting to honor our needs and ...
With the Sun moving into free-thinking Aquarius, progress is in the air. In those areas of life that have been stuck? We can anticipate movement. Since the sign of the water-bearer is known for ...
AriesMar 21 – Apr 20 Your Weekly Horoscope: It’s easy to do things we know how to do. We’re so proficient that we forget the challenges we experienced as we learnt how to do them.
What is the significance of Planetary Positions? The positions of the planets in the heavens and their insertion in the proper houses is pivotal for casting accurate horoscope. Identifying the ...