Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar had planned a women-centric tour, the 'Mahila Samvad Yatra', organised by the rural development department of the state government. But his archnemesis and former ...
Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp has launched a nationwide initiative, WhatsApp Bharat Yatra, to provide in-person training to small businesses on how to leverage the app’s tools for ...
RJD chief Lalu Prasad triggered a political storm Tuesday by saying that Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar was going on his proposed statewide tour — ‘Mahila Samvad Yatra’ — for voyeuristic pleasure.
The winter Char Dham Yatra is set to be a significant development for Uttarakhand, as it will provide year-round pilgrimage opportunities. With the government’s preparations underway, CM Dhami aims to ...
A horrific incident of double murder and suicide has surfaced from Haridwar in Uttarakhand. A 60-year-old man allegedly shot himself in the head after murdering his wife and mother-in-law ...