The acclaimed anime series Death Parade instantly grabs viewers with its thrilling premise of recently deceased individuals competing in arbitrary games to determine their fate in the afterlife.
2023 saw two incredible older anime shows make their ... For some, it's become a comfort watch but, decades on, it still captivates with its swashbuckling stories and best-in-class world-building.
From battle-fueled action to emotional drama, anime always has something for everyone. Now, it can be hard to choose what to watch out of so many options, so here's a list of some of the best anime ...
So what are the best anime series on Netflix ... but it's well worth a watch for any anime fan. Kotaro Lives Alone is an absolutely heart wrenching anime series that follows four-year-old Kotaro ...
and must-watch series that, most importantly, still hold up today in 2024. Ready? It's time to dive into the best anime you should be watching right now. Based on a manga series started in 2009 by ...
Manji’s wisecracking personality and the dark atmosphere make this a worthwhile watch. The adaptation of Akimi Yoshida’s Banana Fish is one of the best anime shows exclusive to Prime Video.