Grub worms are difficult to get rid of, and common mistakes gardeners make in their fight against the pests exacerbate the ...
Beetles are the most diverse group of organisms on the planet, so you shouldn’t be surprised to find many different kinds thriving in your garden. Here’s how to separate the good, the bad, and the ...
•• The News & Eagle has traditionally published personal opinions of writers and readers through editorials, columns and ...
If these pests are detected early as a result of regular and careful checks, they can almost always be controlled by mechanical (IPM) means before resorting to using a pesticide for control.
Grub worms can be one of the trickiest pests to deal with in your garden. The soil-dwelling larvae are hard to spot without digging up a patch of your yard and treating the problem can be just as ...
Cleaning out the cabinets can be a journey of discovery, but some of the things you discover can be pretty gross.
There's no better time than the cold of winter for outdoor gardeners to shift their attention from outdoor plants to indoor plants. It is often nice to fill the house with plants, which add beauty and ...
Anyone who has apple trees, pear trees, plums, cherries, blackberries, blackcurrants or grapevines in particular is being ...
The expert added: "Dust buildup on leaves reduces light absorption. For plants with large leaves, such as the monstera, rinse them gently using lukewarm shower water every four to six weeks. "This ...
One of the more frequent questions the Transylvania County Bird Club gets is: “How can I attract more birds to my yard?” ...