A Tamil sleeper hit and a standout among south Indian thriller movies, this critically acclaimed suspense-thriller revolves around a police officer who loses his leg while investigating the ...
The story follows an unseen entity that is responsible for human destruction. However, Malorie and the two children who blind folds themselves and sets out on the journey in the hope of survival. The ...
However, one of her lesser-known films from the 2010s, Serenity, saw Hathaway re-team with Matthew McConaughey. Now, you can watch this mind-bending suspense thriller for free. Serenity has now ...
Here, we present seven must-watch Telugu suspense thrillers that not only highlight the best of the genre but also promise to leave you guessing until the very end. 1. Mangalavaaram (2023) ...
In 1945, immediately following the end of Second World War, a woman who lives with her two photosensitive children on her darkened old family estate in the Channel Islands becomes convinced that the ...
To that end, here is a list of 10 movies for you to start your journey. Let’s take a look at the top Malayalam suspense thriller movies for your pleasure. The list features Drishyam (2013), featuring ...