Meters to Andriivka,” a new feature film on the war in Ukraine from Frontline, the award-winning PBS documentary series ...
The documentary is based on more than ten conversations that the US filmmaker had with the Russian president over the past two years MOSCOW, June 19. /TASS/. On June 19, Russia’s Channel One ...
Kara Murza has said he plans on returning to Russia to carry on his work. Kara-Murza tells me that in every city in which he has screened the documentary, Russian audiences have turned out to view ...
Our Terence McKenna has a long history of reporting on Russia for C-B-C.And it's the focus of his new documentary feature titled -- 'Putin's Journey.' ...
Co-directed by a Ukrainian special forces soldier and a Los Angeles filmmaker, "Porcelain War" movingly depicts artists at war.
This Wall Street Journal documentary traces Wagner's evolution from a small, guns-for-hire operation into a sprawling network of businesses that has been active on four continents.
Among the journalists featured in the documentary are VGTRK war correspondent Evgeny Poddubny and Semyon Pegov, author of the WarGonzo project, who are expected to attend the event virtually ...