In days past that might have been a parallel or serial port. Today it’s almost always USB, specifically serial over USB. USB has some safety features built-in, such as current limiting.
The colors of USB ports on your computer are more than just an aesthetic choice; they offer valuable information about the features and performance capabilities of each port. Among these ...
A USB port allows you to connect a keyboard, mouse, gaming controller, and other accessories to your TV. The USB port can provide power to a streaming stick, or even charge a device. Sometimes it's ...
Note that the Thunderbolt/USB-C ports are all rated at PD 3.0—only the MagSafe port is PD 3.1 so you must use Apple’s USB-C to MagSafe 3 Cable, rather than a USB-C cable, to fast-charge the ...
A USB-C monitor can act as USB hub, giving you additional ports for connecting various USB devices, but the monitor’s USB-C port can also serve as a video-input alternative to HDMI or ...