China also unveiled the emblem for its 2024-2025 SCO rotating presidency on Thursday. It features elements of Chinese culture, including Chinese bronzeware patterns, as well as the slogan "Upholding ...
2025年即将到来之际,中青报·中青网记者采访了多位在华留学生,让他们谈谈在中国的学习、生活经历。来自越南的留学生杨梅珍是北京语言大学应用中文学院的大一新生。她说自己从小就喜欢中国文化,“我看过《云中歌》,也看过《还珠格格》,”杨梅珍说,“小时候暑假电视还会播《西游记》,都是我们的童年。” Diving into China | Duong Mai Tran: I Like Chinese TV ...
Chinese athletes perform Tai Chi fan in Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province, Dec. 28, 2024. Young people from China and U.S. attended a martial arts cultural exchange event here on Saturday.
In her remarks, Wang Dan, wife of Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Xie Feng, highlighted the significance of the winter solstice, which encompasses both cultural heritage and the spirit of conveying ...
A study group of Serbian youth immersed themselves in traditional Chinese culture during a two-day tour in Cangzhou City, north China's Hebei Province.