Did you know that animals can laugh? Well, some of them do produce vocalisations that resemble human laughter. Here is a list ...
Chimpanzees can. Scientists have even produced ... to something they find humorous with a giggle. Image caption, Laughter is involuntary and can take you by surprise. Although it’s a sign ...
Laughter is a complex behaviour, with similar expressions seen in many mammals including chimpanzees, squirrel monkeys and dogs. Even deaf people who haven’t heard their own voice, or of other ...
We know that chimpanzees have two different sorts of laugh. They laugh differently if they’re being tickled than if they’re trying to make play last longer. And that does sound a bit like our ...
Laughter is older than language, and we’re not the only mammals that have evolved to do it. Chimpanzees, orangutans and other apes all enjoy a good laugh, as do rats, who giggle when they’re ...