Sometimes it is hard to name what you are feeling. Suddenly, you feel hot. You feel a bit of a burning session in your chest and on your neck. You can open a window to cool off, but you might not actu ...
In the RTÉjr show Bellie and Whizz Minding Me, we meet lovable forest puppets, Bellie the badger and Whizz the hare. They help to teach young children how to identify and manage their emotions.
Pre-schoolers (children under the age of 5 or 6 years) are only just beginning to develop the capacity for emotion regulation: the ability to identify, understand, and talk about their feelings.
4 Feeling Facts Feelings are part of your biology. Your feelings provide your body with a natural feedback system. Each emotion you have (feel in your body) sends you an extremely important message.
The mismatch between one’s genuine feelings and outward behavior can be distressing and draining, especially if it is consistent. Sociologist Arlie Hochschild coined the term emotional labor in ...