In “The Lion King,” he’s voiced by Rowan Atkinson. In other media, he’s been voiced by Jim Piddock, Edward Hibbert, Jeff Bennett, and John Oliver. Zazu works for Mufasa, King of the Pride Lands, but ...
Torres batted leadoff for the Yankees during their playoff run, but his much-maligned defense likely wore out his welcome in the Bronx. However, most teams can do a lot worse than a second baseman ...
The agency says Chinese-made Mother and Baby Plush Toys — including animals like pandas, elephants, lions, tigers and giraffes — don't meet Canadian safety standards and hard plastic eyes ...
Heath Canada has issued a nationwide recall notice for a pair of mother and baby plush animal toys that were sold under the brand Chantia Sales. The national health department says the stuffed animals ...
An employee of a New Jersey zoo says she saw a dead mountain lion on her way to work there. This is the latest of many eyewitness accounts I've received from people who say they've spotted mountain ...
Outgoing City Council Member Rafael Salamanca Jr., who will complete the maximum two terms representing the South Bronx’s District 17 at the end of 2025, is challenging incumbent Vanessa Gibson for ...
The new "Mufasa: The Lion King" hit theaters Friday ... millions of miles away”), but two warthogs from the Abilene Zoo did have a small role in the film. According to a post from the zoo ...
ROYAL OAK, Mich. (FOX 2) - The Detroit Zoo welcomed a new member to its pride last month. His name is Kalu, and he's a majestic lion, the Detroit Zoological Society announced on social media on ...
The Zoo announced their new Lion last week on Instagram. Kalu, pictured above, is nine years old and weighs 475 pounds. The zoo says he has a maximum speed of 50 miles per hour, more than twice as ...
Some habits are hard to break. “The Hub” in the Bronx was drug-riddled business as usual a day after a Post exposé on the armies of junkies and depravity consuming the commercial corridor.
ROYAL OAK, MI - There’s a new lion in town and he weighs nearly 500 pounds. Meet Kalu, the Detroit Zoo’s newest member of its pride. The 9-year old male African lion just arrived from the ...