INR:8415. rummy tournament in bangalore The latest news on the UK epidemic on April 23: British Health Secretary said the new crown epidemic has rea ...
Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was admitted to Delhi's All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) after his health ...
The Dubai Public Prosecution referred a 21-year-old Emirati national, 21 British nationals, two US nationals, a Czech ...
But India’s southern states are now luring travellers who also want to experience the region’s more cosmopolitan charms, and ...
The 'BBC', in its obituary, hailed Singh as one of India's longest-serving prime ministers who was considered the 'architect ...
Netflix's follow-up to its most-watched series Squid Game seems to have fallen to the season 2 curse and falls way short of ...
PRNewswire Bangalore Karnataka [India]7 The historic Riga Sugar Mill one of India oldest sugar factories established in 1933 ...
Sober, stoic and reticent to an extent- this is the cliched image which is often associated with judges. Judges are ...
Employees’ Provident Fund’ outlines important cases decided by various High Courts under the Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and Schemes framed thereunder ( ...
Three matters concerning universities. The eminent botanist Dr. Upatissa Pethiyagoda asked (17/12) why there were Bachelor of ...