Meito, alternatively known as Legendary Swords, Famed Blades, and similar aliases are, as each name implies, specially made blades of superior renown. Those well-versed in blades will be able to ...
More information: Daria Bedulina et al, Effect of particles from wind turbine blades erosion on blue mussels Mytilus edulis, Science of The Total Environment (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024. ...
There are many scenarios where you may need to remove concrete, and the easiest way to do this is by using concrete cutting equipment. Concrete cutting equipment is a staple in the construction ...
Blade Ball’s latest Battlepass features 60 tiers that players work through. These will unlock new quests, equipment, and a new Fracture ability. Fracture is designed to add a new layer of depth ...
Kevin Price, 28, approached them with a folding knife in one of two bedrooms of the apartment, opening the knife's three- to five-inch blade while coming out of a closet on the left side of the room.