The analysis, ‘Arctic Report Card’, is a yearly report on the polar region and was published last week. Arctic tundra emitting more carbon than storing it would have global consequences as this would ...
Grist is a nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future. As the Arctic reacts to the planet-warming gases that humans have pumped ...
These ridges, formed when ice floes collide and stack, are a defining feature of Arctic sea ice. While they present challenges for shipping, they are also vital to the region’s ecosystem. In a newly ...
The Arctic is home to pristine artifacts. A few archeologists are rushing to find them, and the critical clues they can offer modern culture, before climate change destroys them forever.
Current local time in Longyearbyen (Arctic/Longyearbyen timezone). Get information about the Arctic/Longyearbyen time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is ...
The Arctic is one of the areas most visibly impacted by human-caused climate change ... but in the Arctic, there's a zone of continuous permafrost that's not so evident in southern Alaska.
The Arctic Circle has shifted from storing carbon ... to face profound challenges in the coming decades as a result of climate change. The study, published Dec. 16 in the American Geophysical ...