So far, the Dandadan anime series has introduced Ayase Momo, Ken Takakura, and Aira Shiratori as the ghosts and alien fighting trio, who, despite their constant bickering, seem to trust one another.
As you follow the story of Ken Takakura and Momo Ayase, two high school students who stumble into a whirlwind of bizarre encounters, each episode delivers an unpredictable blend of comedy, horror, and ...
Anime and manga fans are some of the most discerning collectors. From manga and Blu-ray box sets to plushies and action figures, there are so many options available that are sure to excite even ...
The latest episode of Dandadan has introduced a new rival for Okarun, Jin Enjoji, or Jiji.The auburn-haired boy was Momo’s childhood friend and her first crush when she was younger but also the person ...
Dandadan’s latest episode didn’t have the anime heroes fighting the Serpo Aliens or tackling a spirt like Acrobat Silky but it did have plenty of events that will impact the future of Momo ...
South Africans need to be in the know if we want to create a prosperous future. News24 has kept the country informed for 25 years, and we're about to enter a new chapter of fearless journalism. Join ...
After last episode’s wild events, Momo, Okarun, and Aira face fallout at school while trying to keep things under control. Episode 11 of Dandadan is bound to bring more surprises as the enemies ...