We identified the GGPPS homologs from 48 plant species representing major plant lineages (green algae, mosses, gymnosperms, and angiosperms) and inferred their evolutionary relationships. We show that ...
Fruits were fixed with standard formalin aceto-alcohol [FAA: 50% ethanol; 5% glacial acetic acid; 5% formalin (Sigma-Aldrich and Boom)] for 1 h under vacuum conditions at room temperature. They were ...
confirms their relative position of the subclade tree.
A collection of online information sources related to Canadian biodiversity from Canada and around the world. This collection aims to make biodiversity data, information, and knowledge more accessible ...
Coccoloba is the most diverse woody neotropical genus of the Polygonaceae, with four widely recognized biodiversity centers: the Atlantic Forest, the Amazon Rainforest, Central America, and the ...