It is based on the birth date that most of astrology reports and readings are generated. A person's zodiac sign, birth star, moon sign etc... are determined based on the exact time and date of birth.
Where do you draw the line? A relationship boundary may need to be set when Venus merges with Saturn. Focus on how to connect without being too open or closed. This may require you to be ...
Let yourself be surprised, sweet Aries. You may have recently written off love, if only temporarily. However, a sudden shift today will have you rethinking your past decision. Someone special in ...
Can't wait? Select your zodiac sign to read your daily horoscope and find out what you can expect from astrology tomorrow This isn’t a dress rehearsal—it’s the real thing. Now is the time to ...
Thinking about the big picture? Details get lost in the shuffle as Venus and Jupiter clash, but only temporarily. Do you love the work you do? If you don’t, consider ways to improve your ...
The ancients believed that a horoscope was a key that open the locked ... Then, how will you know what’s for the best? Although you’re being asked for support, try to avoid leaping to the ...
The sun’s frustrating collision with Mars lingers this morning, so asserting yourself may be a struggle. Focus on what is possible rather than fixating on what isn’t. If you can’t move ...
You are not concerned about things you dont have control over to begin with. It seems like flexibility is finally fully understood and supported by your inner ... Pisces - traits, personality, dates, ...
JEMIMA CAINER: On this day in 1773, Captain James Cook crossed the Antarctic Circle. He made history, but I only discovered recently that he also kept his crew healthy by ensuring they ate a ...
Enough with shouldering the burden on your own, Bull! This Monday, January 13 marks the first full moon of 2025 and this one is beaming in Cancer and your third house of cooperation and ...
Nevertheless, someone older or a member of a group might be critical. (You can't please everyone.) Find more Georgia Nicols horoscopes at