The Binirail village in Kaliganj, Gazipur, came alive with its annual fish fair on Tuesday, marking the continuation of a tradition that has lasted for over two and a half centuries. While primarily a ...
Whether it's to accomplish all those New Year's resolutions or just have a prosperous 2025, every culture has its New Year's traditions, but some might stand out more than others. Here is a list ...
Try a taste of the Spanish-rooted fruit method or a Southern staple. As green grapes and other lucky foods to eat as the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve fill social media feeds with must ...
As you make your plans to ring in 2025, consider partaking in one of the New Year's Eve traditions from around the world. The past few years have truly been unlike any other, but one thing has ...
Ireland is home to some of the most unusual traditions and superstitions in the world, especially when it comes to ringing in the New Year. Be sure to follow these steps to rid yourself of bad ...