There are several ways to find a job: networking, working with executive recruiters (headhunters) or search firms, answering ads posted on web sites or in journals or newspapers, attending job fairs ...
Letters of recommendation are required by graduate schools and fellowship programs, some internship or research programs, and some employers. Most letters of recommendation for graduate schools are ...
When considering your next professional vacancy, please keep Dickinson College in mind. The Advising, Internships & Career Center offers a variety of ways to connect you with highly talented Dickinson ...
Evaluating and knowing yourself is critical to identifying the programs providing the best fit for your career goals and aspirations. Start by discussing this with your faculty, your academic advisor ...
Presented by Courtney Hager, RD LDN. If you’re looking for good nutrition, lots of flavor, and fewer hard-to-follow rules, the Mediterranean Diet may be just what you need. The Mediterranean Diet is ...
Looking for a job in communications? What follows is a collection of the web resources to assist you in locating an internship and/or job in your area of interest.
Dickinson College is committed to providing alumni career services for a lifetime. We are here to help alumni through all of their career transitions from changing jobs or career fields to going to ...
What can you do academically to prepare? Admissions committees estimate the degree of difficulty of majors and pay particular attention to the array of courses you have selected. They will review all ...
We meet at 5 p.m. in the Asbell Center's Dairy kitchen to make the dough and 7 p.m. to braid and bake it! Challah sales immediately after - $8 cash or using an online donation website.
What follows is a collection of the web resources to assist you in locating an internship and/or job in your area of interest. Remember to use Handshake to search for jobs and internships listed with ...
A new study in the journal Scientific Reports offers a rare glimmer of hope in the face of climate change, suggesting glacial rivers and lakes may play a crucial role in mitigating the effects of ...