今年是澳門回歸中國大陸25週年,中國國台辦今(25)日在記者會上稱:「一國兩制」完全行得通,會充分考慮台灣現實情況、充分照顧到台灣同胞利益和感情,喊話台灣:「祖國靠得住,回歸有好處。」 ...
「人類間質肺炎病毒」,又稱「人類偏肺病毒」,英文縮寫為hMPV。近來中國大陸兒童感染人數激增,引發各界關注。究竟hMPV人類間質肺炎病毒是什麼?hMPV快篩哪裡做?感染hMPV症狀有哪些?hMPV又該如何治療、預防呢?Yahoo奇摩顧健康整理關於hM ...
Corrections Officer Andrew Lansing died after an inmate assault at Ross Correctional Institution in Chillicothe, according to ...
大陸女星 劉亦菲 自出道以來就憑藉美貌出圈,更因為空靈的氣質及絕美的古裝扮相,被封為「神仙姐姐」。如今她中學時期的班級合照曝光,再度引起討論;而她曾在節目上透露,遭到霸凌的過往也被翻出。
2024年美國股市氣勢如虹,人工智慧(AI)和加密貨幣為美股狂飆的兩大強勁推手,造就今年科技股前5大贏家呈報三位數漲幅,其中以手遊開發商AppLovin漲勢最強勁,今年來飆漲758%,其他強勢個股包括輝達和微策略(MicroStrategy)。 2024年進入最後倒數,盤點今年 ...
Trump named Miami-Dade County Commissioner Kevin Marino Cabrera as his choice for the post after suggesting that the US ...
Sean “Diddy” Combs and Luigi Mangione spent Christmas Day inside the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC), where one ...
President-elect says hockey great ‘had no interest, but I think the people of Canada should start a DRAFT WAYNE GRETZKY ...
Officials in Hawaii are investigating after a body was discovered in the wheel well of a United Airlines plane that flew from ...
The announcement of his pick for ambassador comes after Trump threatened to reassert U.S. control over the Panama Canal.
The outgoing and incoming U.S. presidents had different messages for the Christmas holiday on Wednesday, with Democrat Joe ...