Ukrainian police investigators have named a Russian commander suspected of a key role in the killing of Iryna Filkyna and at least twelve other civilians massacred in Bucha by the Russian invaders.
Более двух лет гражданин Испании Мариано Гарсия Калатаюд находится в российском плену. Его пытали током, выбили зубы, натравили на него собаку. О любви к Украине, борьбе и плене рассказывает гражданск ...
After invading Ukraine and staging a fake ‘referendum’ at gunpoint to pretend Ukrainians wanted this, Russia began fabricating surreal ‘international terrorism’ charges against those Ukrainians who ...
A Russian court has convicted Pavlo Levchenko of ‘treason’ and ‘terrorism’ over alleged damage to railway tracks obstructing Russia’s war against Ukraine. Both Russia and Belarus have passed ...
Any so-called peace deal with Russia that involves acceptance of Russian occupation of Crimea would mean disaster for the Crimean Tatar people. “We struggled for half a century to be able to return to ...
An illegal ‘court’ in Russian-occupied Crimea has sentenced 58-year-old Oksana Senedzhuk to 15 years’ imprisonment on supposed ‘treason’ charges, almost certainly linked with her pro-Ukrainian ...