1997). This affects both performance and endurance during prolonged performances. To prevent it, a respiratory muscle training (RMT) program can be implemented, designed to improve the strength and ...
The most important function of the respiratory muscles is breathing since they are the motor arm of the respiratory system. Breathing, a lifelong task, is borne mainly by the inspiratory muscles, ...
Clicks were associated with sudden "doming" of the valve demonstated by cineangiography. These data support the valvular origin of the ejection click in pulmonic stenosis and provide the following ...
lumc.edu Background: In critically ill patients inspiratory muscle function may be assessed by measurements of maximal inspiratory airway pressure and the response of twitch transdiaphragmatic ...
The clinical features of constrictive bronchiolitis consist of a chest radiograph that is often normal, early inspiratory crackles and irreversible airflow obstruction by pulmonary function testing.
Classic angiographic findings of median arcuate ligament syndrome include kinking of the proximal coeliac trunk with post-stenotic dilation. The narrowing worsens when the patient exhales. Doppler ...