In a recent case of online scam, fraudsters duped a 60-year-old man from Bengaluru out of Rs 2.8 crore by sending him a free smartphone. The phone likely contained malware, allowing scammers to access ...
近日,中国联通携手中国银行与北京一卡通,共同推出了针对来华外国游客的全国首款SIM卡融合创新服务产品——CUBe Card。这款创新产品首次实现了“三卡合一”,将通信、支付和交通三大高频服务功能集于一体,为外国游客在华旅行提供了极大的便利。
The app went dark in the U.S. on Saturday as new federal legislation mandating the platform's removal took effect.