The Nifty closed at Rs 23,213.20 today, marking an increase of 0.16 percent, while Sensex closed at Rs 76,724.08 that is 0.29 percent higher than opening.
Bursa Malaysia plunged into negative territory again on Wednesday, with almost 1,000 counters closing in the red as investors continued to offload shares amidst weak market sentiment.
Quadrant Future Tek Ltd, Raj Oil Mills Ltd, Mamata Machinery Ltd and Cubex Tubings Ltd are among the other gainers in the BSE's 'B' group today, 15 January 2025.
ONE WAM Ltd, Kaynes Technology India Ltd, UTI Asset Management Company Ltd and Welspun Corp Ltd are among the other gainers in the BSE's 'A' group today, 15 January 2025.