Abstract: Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin was born on 9 March 1934 in the village of Klushino, 160km west of Moscow. His father, Alexei Ivanovich, and his mother, Anna Timofeyevna, worked on a collective ...
When Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space in his spacecraft, Vostok 1, he was one of the most famous people on earth.
If Putin were to come to terms with Ukraine, ending his war of conquest, Trump could offer Russia a role in the Artemis ...
Among other things, the Cold War was replete with examples of the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist ...
On November 3rd, 1957, the Soviet Union made history by launching the first living creature into Earth’s orbit: not a human, ...
These are the voyages of the space shuttle Enterprise, boldly renamed by former President Gerald Ford after a massive ...
The Netflix K-drama 'When the Stars Gossip' might have you asking questions about space travel, microgravity and what it's ...
As a result of Korolev’s death after a botched operation ... An improved version of it launched Yuri Gagarin into space. Russia has been relying on variants of the R-7 ever since.
For Star City, the show will tell the stories of the cosmonauts, engineers, and intelligence officers serving in the Soviet space program at the home of the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center.