Make two holes near the top of the bottle, opposite each other. Thread a piece of string through these holes to create a hanger for your bird feeder. Fill with Bird Feed Fill the bottle with bird ...
so try to make the holes in the bottle as smooth as possible. You will need two sticks to use as perches. These need to be wider than the bottle by around 10 centimetres, so there is enough space for ...
If you don’t have a proper can, watering plants can often be a messy job. A clever way to water your houseplants however, is ...
There are three different bird feeders you can make with your grown-up. Take a look below, you might want to make all three! Scroll or swipe down to find out how to make a feast for the birds in ...
You can make a DIY bird feeder from almost anything - from an antique teacup to that empty wine or liquor bottle that was just too pretty to throw away. These projects are totally doable and lots ...
one option is to suspend your bird feeder and create a DIY squirrel deterrent made from a soda bottle. Although squirrels are ...