Apple iPhone 6s Plus mobile was launched in September 2015. The phone comes with a 5.50-inch touchscreen display offering a resolution of 1080x1920 pixels at a pixel density of 401 pixels per inch ...
The Brutalist, the awards contender starring Adrien Brody and Felicity Jones, has received backlash for its use of AI.
中国政府针对手机、平板与智能手表等数码产品的购新补贴于1月20日全面上线。外界普遍认为,这一举措排除了苹果等部分高阶机型,但因国产品牌多位于该价格区间,料将成为此次补贴的主要受益者。专家分析指出,年初祭出补贴虽能刺激短期销量,却难以拉动全年整体销售表 ...
Explore the importance of Stoicism in investing, focusing on what we can control, like research quality and decision-making ...