Mumbai police have recovered new CCTV footage from a mobile shop where Saif Ali Khan's alleged attacker bought headphones after stabbing the actor. The footage, taken about six hours after the ...
In the world of smartphones, we’ve reached a point where it’s no longer necessary to spend absurd amounts of money to get some pretty cool features in phones. Even in the mainstream segment, one can ...
From the killer-budget phones to the ultra-flagships, there is a phone for everyone. Of course, the market always has a few clear frontrunners, and if you're interested in the phones that were the ...
For 18 years, Nancy Spiller savored “the magic of living in the canyon” high up in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood of L.A., where the sun each morning would cast the craggy brush-covered mountains ...
The first evacuation order covering neighborhoods closest to the start of the devastating Pacific Palisades wildfire didn't come until about 40 minutes after some of those homes were already burning, ...