“Transformers One” is the first fully animated Transformers movie since 1986’s deeply traumatic “Transformers: The Movie,” which was notable for, among other things, killing off Optimus ...
One of the most sophisticated motion simulators ever built. One of the biggest rides to come to Universal Studios Hollywood in well over a decade, Transformers: The Ride – 3D represents the very best ...
A trilogy of films based on the popular Transformers characters. As well as the Autobots, the series features the Maximals, the Predacons, and the Terrorcons.
2025 marks the first release in Demon Slayer's Infinity Castle movie trilogy. And, if you believe recent reports, the big-screen release may have narrowed its release plans down even further.
This fan-created version closely resembled the original Broadway poster where the character's eyes are covered. Cynthia took to Instagram to complain about the manipulated image on the movie ...
There's a great assortment of movies releasing this weekend, including the Robbie Williams biopic Better Man & Den of Thieves 2: Pantera starring Gerard Butler. Adam Brody and Leighton Meester's ...
Jason Wiese writes feature stories for CinemaBlend. His occupation results from years dreaming of a filmmaking career, settling on a "professional film fan" career, studying journalism at ...