SpaceX launched its Starship mega-rocket for the seventh time. It achieve an epic booster catch but the ship was lost.
SpaceX succeeded Thursday in once more catching the descending first-stage booster of its Starship megarocket in the ...
Shortly after the test flight launch, video circling social media from the Turks and Caicos appeared to show a SpaceX ...
NBC News follows along as Starship attempted for the first time to deploy dummy satellites in space, and its fuel tank was 25% bigger, among other upgrades.
据了解, 2024年10月13日,SpaceX“星舰”第五次试飞成功,在升空7分钟后,其助推器在降落时被发射塔上的机械臂“夹住”,首次实现在半空中捕获回收, 标志着SpaceX向完全可重复使用火箭系统迈进的重要里程碑达成。
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任天堂 Switch 2 游戏掌机今日首发亮相,首个介绍视频展示了其造型设计等细节。全球语言学习平台多邻国(Duolingo)披露,去年 12 月至本周一(1 月 13 日)的数据显示,平台上开始学习中文普通话的美国人,出现同比激增 216% ...