记者: 菲律宾海岸警卫队称,中方近日对前往鲎藤礁的菲渔船开展“攻击性行动”。另据报道,菲海警多艘公务船企图侵闯黄岩岛被阻。菲海军司令称,已制定“灰色地带”策略,以应对中国船只在南海的行动。请问对此有何评论?
记者: 菲律宾海岸警卫队称,中方近日对前往鲎藤礁的菲渔船开展“攻击性行动”。另据报道,菲海警多艘公务船企图侵闯黄岩岛被阻。菲海军司令称,已制定“灰色地带”策略,以应对中国船只在南海的行动。请问对此有何评论?
Question: According to the Philippine Coast Guard, the Chinese side recently took “aggressive actions” towards Philippine fishing boats heading toward Houteng Jiao. It is ... tactics to cope with the ...
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