To build a lovely garden, whether it is small or big, you don’t need to spend a bunch. Take advantage of what’s around your spaces, like dried branches, plant pots, gravels, and rocks then create them ...
Cindy Cancilla talks about touching the the two loves in her life, teaching and starting a successful business, Flowers by Cindy in Glen Rock. “I just love flowers. I was always out in the ...
Big boulder style rocks can be painted and used to line things like paths or flower beds to bring some extra fun into the garden. You can even try painting them with a layer of glow in the dark paint ...
A beautiful bouquet of flowers is a timeless gift that appeals to almost every recipient, but ordering online can be hit or miss—especially if the arrangement is lackluster or the delivery ...
She started Flowers by Cindy in 2011 in a small storefront in downtown Glen Rock, on the corner by the rail trail. When she outgrew that space, her brother found a vacant space in a strip mall on ...