These countries are heavily investing in research and development activities such as low-cost robotic grippers with highly skilled specialists. In China, industrial robots and their component ...
This repository contains ROS2 packages for controlling a UR5 robot with a Robotiq gripper, facilitating precise pick and place operations using MoveIt and providing a comprehensive toolkit for ...
According to task requirements, the gripper can be flexibly and conveniently deployed on complex robots, at the end of mechanical arms, or on PLC production lines, to address grasping, sorting, and ...
electrically powers pneumatic grippers, clamps, and short-travel linear actuators ... The software develops an optimized “choreography” for robots that work closely together in cells. By coordinating ...
Unlike existing methods that mainly focus on 2-finger grippers, this research addresses the complexities of dexterous manipulation ... By leveraging DexTOG, we also proposed a new dataset, DexTOG-80K, ...
The cannabidiol (CBD) world can feel huge and complicated, but products like CBD gummies make it more approachable for some folks. CBD gummies are easy to dose, portable, and discreet. They also ...
Her groundbreaking work includes introducing 3D laparoscopic surgery and innovating surgical techniques, such as robotic tube- tubal anastomosis, which have set new benchmarks in the field.