"We arrested Narendra Ganpat Kawal from Dharavi itself on Friday night through technical intelligence. He had claimed a bomb ...
A man was arrested in Dharavi for falsely claiming a bomb was planted. The suspect, Narendra Ganpat Kawal, was apprehended ...
Mumbai: A man was arrested for allegedly calling up the Mumbai police control room and falsely claiming a bomb had been ...
Saravanan, a history-sheeter, was shot and captured by police during an operation to uncover weapons linked to the BSP leader ...
Chennai: A-Plus category rowdy A Saravanan alias ‘Bomb' Saravanan, 48, who was shot below the knee and arrested on Wednesday, ...
Police in Chennai apprehended notorious rowdy 'Bomb' A Saravanan, involved in 33 cases, including six murders, after a ...
“The staff quarter has been named after former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The auditorium was built before Rajiv Gandhi became the PM and after renovation, it has been named after him,” said the ...
Today, the danger of a nuclear conflagration is more real than ever and there are no Russells, Einsteins and Rotblats to warn ...
The party is moving its base to Indira Gandhi Bhawan, on Kotla Road. This marks the end of the 47-year period that the party used the iconic 24, Akbar road.
The long disclaimer states that the biographical feature ‘draws information from the life and real life events of one of the most respected politicians and former prime ministers, Smt Indira Gandhi’.
Congress Parliamentary Party chief Sonia Gandhi inaugurated party's new headquarters located at 9A, Kotla Road today, marking a key moment in history of the grand old party which has operated from ...