Madha Gaja Raja, starring Vishal, was released on January 12 after a decade-long delay. The movie collected Rs 3.5 crores worldwide in just 2 days. Directed by Sundar C, the film features Anjali ...
Sundar C’s long-delayed film Madha Gaja Raja operates in excess, from the characterisation to the comedy and everything in between. The film establishes early on that Vishal’s titular ...
Q: Is Raja Babu Flop or Hit? A: The performance of Raja Babu was Hit. Q: What is the overall Box Office Collection of Raja Babu? A:Raja Babu collected ₹11.57 cr. at the worldwide box office.
Madha Gaja Raja movie review: When one looks at films that are over a decade old, it is but natural to see if it has aged well. Are the dialogues still relevant? Is the narrative still fresh? Have the ...