The animated series Creature Commandos, written and produced by James Gunn, has been renewed for Season 2. The show features a covert black ops team of non-human monsters and is part of the new DC ...
Amazon Prime Video has renewed its adult animated series Secret Level for a second season. The show, an anthology featuring video game-themed short stories, achieved record-breaking viewership during ...
And just in time for the long winter nights, a new Tolkien animated Lord of the Rings film is on the horizon. The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim hits theaters this weekend, from ...
The landscapes that the nameless protagonist encounters are dreamlike and nearly empty, save for a few curious animals. The boy befriends a tiny yellow bird with big black eyes, who struggles to ...
Set to be the next Suicide Squad, Max’s new animated series looks like more bonkers comic book chaos from James Gunn. So read on for how to watch Creature Commandos online, on TV and from anywhere.